Semantically, according to the source of sound, onomotopoeic words fall into a very few definite groups. Many verbs denote sounds produced by human beings in the process of communication or in expressing their feelings: babble бормотать chatter болтать giggle хихикать grunt ворчать grumble жаловаться murmur шептать mutter брюзжать titter хихикать whine хныкать whisper шептать
Then there are sounds produced by animals, birds and insects. Eg. buzz жужжать cackle кудахтать croak квакать hiss свистеть honk хрюкать howl &n ... Читать дальше » |
Sound imitation or onomotopoeic words are echoes of natural sounds (lullaby, twang, whiz). Sound imitation (onomotopoeia or echoism) is the naming of an action or thing by a more or less reproduction of a sound associated with it. For instance, words naming sounds and movement of water: babble журчать blob брызгать bubble булькать flush литься gurgle булькать gush литься потоком splash расплескаться The majority of onomotopoeic words serve to name sounds or movements. Most of them are verbs easily turned into nouns: bang, boom, bump, hum, rustle, smack, thud, etc. Sound - imitating words form a considerable part of interjections: ... Читать дальше » | |
The idiom wasSTEAL THE SHOW
Hello, friends! I hope you read the idioms of the day of my site. I offer you a story illustrating one of these idioms. Guess what idiom it is.
One day one of the planets, Venus, decided to find out which of planets and stars is the most beautiful and attractive. She had sent invitations to the ball which had to take place on a huge field. Among the guests were the Jupiter, the Neptune, the Saturn, the Mars, the Pluto, the Uranus, the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. Almost all the guests arrived in time. They were wearing beautiful clothes of space designers. There were other stars and starlets among the guests.They had to choose the brightest person of the party. Soon the voting came to an end and one of the oldest stars was going to inform the spectators about the results of the voting. But suddenly something went wrong. At first all the guests blinded with the brightest light. They could hardly see. ... Читать дальше » |
ALL ARE NOT SAINTS THAT GO TO CHURCH. KEYS. TASK 2. 1) SOME PEOPLE WHO GO TO CHURCH THINK THAT THEY ARE SAINTS. 2) MANY PEOPLE GO TO CHURCH BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IN GOD. 3) ALL ARE NOT SAINTS THAT GO TO CHURCH. TASK 3. An old woman went to church very often. She thought herself saint. Winter came, there were many homeless cats in the streets. Many people tried to help them and brought some food. The old woman kicked the cats, poured boiling water on them and drove them. Some time had passed and she had a brain attack. But she went on treating cats badly. It's clear that all are not saints that go to church.
ALL ARE NOT SAINTS THAT GO TO CHURCH. НЕ ВСЯК ПРАВЕДНИК, КТО ХОДИТ В ЦЕРКОВЬ. EXPLANATION. Not all people who visit the church are saint and kind. Some of them are not. They just want to ask God for money and high ranks. But most of honest and God loving people go to church or don't go but believe in God. The most important belief is in your heart. ASSIGNMENTS. TASK 1. Answer the questions. 1) Do you go to church? 2) Why do you go there? 3) Some people go to church to ask for money and high ranks, don't they? 4) Do you go to church because you want to ask God for something? 5) When do you usually go to church? Task 2. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence: 1) some, who, people, go, church, to, think, they, that, are, saints. 2) many, believe, because, God, people, in, church, they, to, go. 3) all, church, go, that, not, s ... Читать дальше » |
Until the cows come home. Целую вечность For a very long time. You can argue until the cows come home, but I' ll never agree.
The group of b a h u v r i h i compound nouns is not very numerous. The term b a h u v r i h i is borrowed from the grammarians of ancient India. It' literal meaning is ' much- riced '. It is used to designate possessive exocentric formations in which a person, animal or thing are metonymically named after some striking feature they possess, chiefly a striking feature in their appearance. This feature is in its turn expressed by the sum of meanings of compound 's immediate constituents. The formula of the b a h u v r i h i compound nouns is adjective stem + noun stem. The following extract will illustrate the way b a h u v r i h i compounds may be coined: I got discouraged with sitting all day in the backroom of a police station... ... with six assorted women and a man with a wooden leg. At the end of a week, we all knew each other 's life histories, including that of the woodenle ... Читать дальше » |
The Roman occupation of Britain lasted nearly 400 years; it came to an end in the early 5th c. In A.D. 410, the Roman troops were officially withdrawn to Rome by Constantine.This temporary withdrawal turned out to be final, for the Empire was breaking up due to internal and external causes, - particularly the attacks of barbarian tribes ( including the Teutons ) and the growth of independent kingdoms on former Roman territories. After the departure of the Roman legions the richest and most civilised part of the island, the south- east, was laid waste. Many towns were destroyed. Constant feuds among local landlords as well as the increased assaults of the Celts from the North and also the first Germanic raids from beyond the North Sea proved ruinous to the civilisation of Roman Britain. To be continued. |
In the first century B.C. Gaul was conquered by the Romans. Having occupied Gaul Julius Caesar made two raids on Britain, in 55 and 54 B.C. Caesar attacked Britain for economic reasons - to obtain tin, pearls and corn, - and also for strategic reasons, since rebels and refugees from Gaul found support among their kinsmen. Although Caesar failed to subjugate Britain, Roman economic penetration to Britain grew; traders and colonists from Rome came in large numbers to settle in the south - eastern towns. In A.D. 43 Britain was again invaded by Roman legions under emperor Claudius, and towards the end of the century was made a province of the Roman Empire. The province was carefully guarded and heavily garrisoned: about 40,000 men were stationed there. Two fortified walls ran across the country, a network of paved Roman roads connected the towns and military camps. Scores of towns with a mixed population grew along the Roman roads - inhabited by Roman legionaries and civilians a ... Читать дальше » |
The history of the English language begins with the invasion of the British Isles by Germanic tribes in the 5th century of our era. Prior to the Germanic invasion the British Isles must have been inhabited for at least fifty thousand years. The earliest inhabitants whose linguistic affiliation has been established are the Celts. The Celts came to Britain in three waves and preceded the Teutons. Traces of Celtic civilisation are still found all over the Europe. Celtic languages were spoken over extensive parts of Europe before our era. The Gaelic branch has survived as Irish in Ireland, has expanded to Scotland as Scotch -Gaelic of the Highlands and is still spoken by a few hundred people on the Isle of Man (the Manx language). The Brittonic branch is represented by Kymric or Welsh in modern Wales and by Breton or Armorican spoken by over a million people in modern France ( in the area called Bretagne or Brittany, where the Celts came as emigrant ... Читать дальше » |
MONEY HAS NO SMELL. ДЕНЬГИ НЕ ПАХНУТ. Explanation : Some people are rich because they have earned their money in a dishonest way but they think money has no smell. They don't care about the way they got it. ASSIGNMENTS: TASK 1. Answer the questions. 1) Do you agree with the proverb? 2) Money has no smell, does it? 3) Would you prefer money earned in an honest or dishonest way? 4) What kind of people can say these words about themselves? 5) Do you respect rich people who made money dishonestly?
TASK 2. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence. ... Читать дальше » |
Политическая система СК. Упражнение для открытого урока. Задание . Угадать короля или королеву Англии , которые были упомянуты. Guess, what English Queens or Kings are mentioned. Pupil 1: On the death of Edward the Confessor in 1066, I claimed the English throne. I led the invasion and defeated the English at the battle of Hastings. I crushed Saxon resistance and gave most of the land to my Norman followers. My reign marked the complete establishment of feudalism in England. Everybody knows me as a Conqueror. (William the Conqueror) Pupil 2: I'm the youngest son of Henry the Second. I came to the throne in 1199. I have lost almost all English possessions in France. So my nickname is Lackland. In England after the revolt of the barons I had to sign Magna Carta in 1215. (King John) Pupil 3: I'm a daughter of Henry the 8th and Ann Boleyn. I confronted Catholic church, I defeated ... Читать дальше » |
GENDER As a result of the double oppositional correlation, a specific system of three genders arises, which is represented by: the neuter (non-person gender), the masculine (masculine person) gender, the feminine (feminine person) gender. The strong member of the upper opposition is the human subclass of nouns, it's sememic mark being "person", or "personality". The weak member of the opposition comprises both inanimate and animate non-person nouns. Here belongs such nouns as TREE, MOUNTAIN, LOVE, etc.; CAT, SWALLOW, ANT, etc.; SOCIETY, CROWD, ASSOCIATION,etc.; BULL and COW, COCK and HEN, HORSE and MARE, etc. In cases of oppositional reduction, non-person nouns and their substitute (it) are naturally used in the position of neutralization. E. g. : Suddenly something moved in the darkness ahead of us. Could |
NOUN: GENDER A.I.Smirnitsky devoted ten pages of his "Morphology of English" to proving the non-existence of gender in English either in the grammatical, or even in the strictly lexico -grammatical sense. That the gender division of nouns in English is expressed not as variable forms of words, but as nounal classification (which is not different from the expression of substantive gender in other languages, including Russian), admits of no argument. The category of gender is expressed in English by the obligatory correlation of nouns with the personal pronouns of the third person. The category of gender is strictly oppositional. It is formed by two opposition s related to each other on a hierarchical basis. One opposition functions in the whole set of nouns, dividing them into person (human) nouns and non-person ( non-human) nouns. The other opposition functions in the subset of person nouns only, dividing th ... Читать дальше » | |
Discussion of the previous situation. (Younger sister). What do other people think about it? Tim. Paula, I suppose your parents are making a mistake. They devote all their time to one of the daughters. But they don't want or can't pay attention to the other daughter. The abandoned girl can find a bad company. She can start taking forbidden drugs and be involved in drug addiction. Then her parents will understand their mistake but it will be too late. She will always need money for drugs and steal her own family. She may hate her younger sister and do her harm. Many horrible things can happen if parents see only one child and ignore another one. So my advice to these parents is to share their love and care among two daughters if they don't want to lose peace and love in their family.
AND WHAT ... Читать дальше » |
Situation. You have got a family, a father, a mother and a younger sister. Your parents pay much attention to your younger sister and sometimes forget about you. What do you think about it?
A sample answer. My name is Paula. I have got a family. My family consists of four, my mother and father, my younger sister and me. I'm twelve and my sister is ten. My parents pay much attention to my sister, Fiona. Fiona is young, but she is a singer. She often takes part in different music competitions and festivals. My parents always accompany her to theatres and clubs where she performs. They go shopping with her, visit stylists and other beauty specialists. And what about me? They just forget about me. The only question they ask me is about school. How are things at school? I say, "Fine", even if it is not so. They will not address my ... Читать дальше » | | |
Unlike roots, affixes are always bound forms. The differences between suffixes and prefixes is not confined to their respective position, suffixes being "fixed after" and prefixes "fixed before" the stem. It also concerns their function and meaning. A suffix is a derivational morpheme following the stem and forming a new derivative in a different part of speech or a different word class, c f. - e n, - y, - l e s s in h e a r t e n, h e a r t y, h e a r t l e s s . A prefix is a derivational morpheme standing before the root and modifying meaning, c f. h e a r t e n - d i s h e a r t e n. It is only with verbs and statives that a prefix may serve to distinguish one part of speech from another, like in e a r t h (n)- u n e a r t h (v), s l e e p (n) - a s l e e p (stative). Preceding a verb stem, some prefixes express the difference between a transitive and an intransitive verb: s t a y v and o u t s t a y ... Читать дальше » |
A stem may also be defined as the part of the word that remains unchanged throughout its paradigm. The stem of the paradigm h e a r t y - h e a r t i e r - (the) h e a r t i e s t) is h e a r t y-. It is a free stem, but as it consists of a root morpheme and an affix, it is not simple but derived. Thus, a stem, containing one or more affixes is a d e r i v e d stem. Roots are main morphemic vehicles of a given idea in a given language at a given stage of its development. A root may also be regarded as the ultimate constituent element which remains after the removal of all functional and derivational affixes. It is a common element of words within a word-family. Thus, - h e a r t - is the common root of the following series of words: h e a r t, h e a r t e n, d i s h e a r t e n, h e a r t i l y, h e a r t l e s s, h e a r t i n e s s, s w e e t h e a r t, k i n d - h e a r t ed, etc. The root word h e a r t is unsegmentable. The morp ... Читать дальше » |
A word is an autonomous unit of language in which a particular meaning is associated with a particular sound complex and which is capable of a particular grammatical employment and able to form a sentence by itself. A morpheme is also an association of a given meaning with a given sound pattern. But unlike a word it is not autonomous. Morphemes occur in speech only as constituent parts of words, not independently, although a word may consist of a single morpheme. Nor are they divisible into smaller meaningful units. That is why the morpheme may be defined as the minimum meaningful language unit. Morphemes are subdivided into roots and affixes. The affixes are subdivided, according to their position, into prefixes, suffixes and infixes, and according to their function and meaning, into derivational and functional affixes, the latter also called endings or outer formatives. For the word h e a r t y and for the paradigm h e a r t - h e a r t s the ... Читать дальше » | | |
THE SILENT MAJORITY. МОЛЧАЛИВОЕ БОЛЬШИНСТВО Explanation: The large number of people who do not express their opinions publicly. I suppose these ideas represent the opinion of the silent majority.
THE (MEN IN) GREY SUITS. ЛЮДИ В СЕРЫХ КОСТЮМАХ. Explanation: People in business or politics with a lot of influence or power, although they are not well known to the public. The men in grey suits are very influential and powerful nowadays, although many people don't know them.
NEW KID ON THE BLOCK. НОВИЧОК, НОВЕНЬКАЯ Explanation: Someone who is new in a place or organisation and has many things to learn about it (informal). John has been working in the company for 7 days and feels like a new kid on the blocks.
A CATCH -22 SITUATION Замкнутый круг, неразрешимая проблема. Explanation: An impossible situation where you are prevented from doing one thing until you have done the other thing, but you can't do the other thing until you have done the first thing. Suddenly I have found myself in a Catch - 22 situation. |
SEEING IS BELIEVING. Explanation : Somebody can describe you something vividly and admire it, but when you see it with your own eyes, you can see the difference. You may not agree with your friend's opinion. Tasks. 1. Answer the questions. a) Do you agree with the proverb? b) Is it better to see once or to hear many times? c) Do you believe in something without seeing it? d) Is it simple to see or to spend time on describing things? e) Why is seeing better than hearing? Task 2. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence. a) to, is, seven, it, better, hear, than, to, times, see, once. b) can't, sometimes, your, believe, you, eyes, own. c) some, in, isn't, believing, situations, seeing. Task 3. Make up a story using the following words and word combinations. Two girls, had been, friends, a long time, Joan, ... Читать дальше » |
ROLL IN THE AISLES КАТАТЬСЯ СО СМЕХУ MEANING : Laugh a lot The performance had spectators rolling in the aisles.
35. The battle of Hastings took place in... a) 1065 b) 1066 c) 1016 36. Harold and his army were defeated because... a) William 's army was better armed, better organised and had cavalry. b) Harold's army didn't want to fight any more. c) Harold's men were tired after numerous battles. 37. William was crowned on Christmas day, 1066 in... a) Kensington Palace b) the Tower c) Westminster Abby 38. ... period in English history had begun after William 's the Conqueror coronation. a) The Roman b) The Norman c) The German 39. Alfred the Great was... a) a Viking b) a Roman c) a Saxon 40. Edward the Confessor died in 1066... a) leaving an obvious heir b) without an obvious heir c) with Harold as an heir 41. The Witan elected... the king of England ... Читать дальше » |
HE WHO BEGINS MANY THINGS FINISHES BUT FEW. ТОТ, КТО НАЧИНАЕТ МНОГО ДЕЛ, ТОТ МАЛО ЧТО ЗАКАНЧИВАЕТ. EXPLANATION : There are some people who are easily carried away with different things and don't finish them. Maybe their interest fades away and they begin new things. But everything is half done. Tasks. 1. Answer the questions. a) Are you easily carried away with different things? b) Do you always finish your things or do you leave them half done? c) Why is it necessary to finish things? d) You begin many things but finish few, don't you? e) Are people who don't finish things organised? Task 2. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence. a) begins, things, few, he, finishes, who, many, but b) people, easily, with, carried, things, away, are, some, many. c) who, many, not, are, people, start, organised, thin ... Читать дальше » |
A GOOD NAME IS BETTER THAN RICHES. ГОЛ, ДА НЕ ВОР; БЕДЕН, ДА ЧЕСТЕН. Explanation: Nowadays a good name doesn't mean too much. There was time when a good name meant much and a man could kill himself if his name was defiled. It was considered that to have a good name was much better than riches and a person would rather be poor than defiled. TASKS. 1.Answer the questions. a) What does a good name mean to you? b) Do you prefer to be rich and have bad reputation or to be poor and honest? c) Riches are more important nowadays, aren't they? d) What values are the most important in your life? e) What will you do if you find a purse with some money? 2. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence. a) people, be, prefer, honest, to, and, some, poor. b) only, some, the, money, is, thing, for, important, p ... Читать дальше » |
18. The Roman legions had to return to Rome by the... century. a) fifth b) sixth c) fourth 19. By the 5th century the Roman legions returned from Britain to Rome... a) to protect it from barbaric invaders. b) to build new roads c) to support a revolt 20. The Barbaric Teutonic tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes were making raids against the British throughout... a) the fifth and sixth centuries. b) the fourth and fifth centuries c) the third and fourth centuries 21. Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Kent, Mersia and Northumbria were established in... a) the 7th century b) the 5th century c) the 3d century 22.The Anglo-Saxon Kings were elected by the members of the... a) Parliament b) British Council c) Witan 23. The words "But the Romans came with a heavy hand. And bridged and r ... Читать дальше » |
TO HAVE SOMETHING COMING OUT OF ONE'S EARS. Иметь большое количество чего-либо и больше не хотеть. All my friends who want to talk to me are talking about boxing. I hate boxing. I have had boxing coming out of my ears. Все мои друзья, которые хотят поговорить со мной, говорят о боксе. Я терпеть не могу бокс. Я сыт боксом по горло. | |
SUCCESS IS A LADDER THAT CAN'T BE CLIMBED WITH YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS. УСПЕХ - ЭТО ЛЕСТНИЦА, ПО КОТОРОЙ НЕЛЬЗЯ ПОДНИМАТЬСЯ, ЗАСУНУВ РУКИ В КАРМАНЫ. Explanation : If you want to reach the top of the ladder which is сalled Success, firstly you should take your hands out of your pockets and work hard to achieve success. Tasks. 1. Answer the questions. 1. Why can success be compared with a ladder? 2. Can you pass your exams well with your hands in the pockets? 3. Will you have to do much to climb each step of a ladder leading to success? 4. You can't get success with your hands in your pockets, can you? 5. Is it important to you to get success or just to live with your hands in pockets? 2. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence. 1. can, good, if, homework, do, you, have, marks, always, your, you. < ... Читать дальше » |
TO HAVE TWO LEFT FEET БЫТЬ ПЛОХИМ ТАНЦОРОМ Explanation: To be a very bad dancer. Sorry, I wouldn't like to dance with you - I've got two left feet.
NOT TO HAVE TWO PENNIES TO RUB TOGETHER БЫТЬ ОЧЕНЬ БЕДНЫМ Explanation: To be very poor When I was a child, my mother didn't have two pennies to rub together. |
Diet cures more than lancet. Правильное питание лечит лучше скальпеля. Explanation : Good food is very important for people. You should keep to a proper diet to be fit. If you don't keep to a diet, you may have problems with your health. Task 1. Answer the questions : a) What is food for you? b) Is it useful? c) Is it better to keep to a diet or to be operated by a surgeon? d) Who takes care of your health in your family? e) Diet cures more than lancet, doesn't it? Task 2. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence: 1) food, very, life, proper, is, people's, in, important. 2) junk, eat, don't, food, because, harmful, it's! 3) eat, and, people, more, vegetables, should, fruit. Task 3. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations : yo ... Читать дальше » Прикрепления: Картинка 1
METAPHOR A short description A metaphor is a transfer of name based on the association of similarity and thus is actually a hidden comparison. It presents a method of description which likens one thing to another by referring to it as if it were some other one. A cunning person for instance is referred to as a fox. A woman may be called A PEACH, A LEMON, A CAT, A GOOSE, A BITCH, A LIONESS, etc. Metaphors may be based upon very different types of similarity, for instance, the similarity of shape: HEAD OF A CABBAGE, THE TEATH OF A SAW. This similarity of shape may be supported by a similarity of function. The transferred meaning is easily recognized from the context: THE HEAD OF THE SCHOOL, THE KEY TO A MISTERY. The similarity may be also supported by the position: FOOT OF A PAGE or behavior and function: BOOKWORM, WIREPULLER. |
EARLY BRITAIN (PART 1) 1. Beaker people were the people of... a) the Stone Age b) The Bronze Age c) the Middle Age 2. In the beginning of the Stone Age the Celts came to the British Isles from... a) Spain b) Germany c) France 3. The Gaelic form of the Celtic dialect was spread in... a) England b) Wales c) Ireland and Scotland 4. The Brithonic form of the Celtic dialect was spread in... a) Ireland b) England c) Wales 5. The whole country was called after... a) the Gaelic tribe b) the Brithonic tribe c) the German tribe 6. The Celtic druids were skillful in... a) farming b) metal work c) teaching and administration 7. The greatest monuments of the ancient population of the British Isles, Stonehenge, was a Monumental Stone... a) Square b) ... Читать дальше » |
TO BITE THE BULLET СТИСНУТЬ ЗУБЫ EXPLANATION : To force yourself to do something difficult or unpleasant If you don't want to publish John's book, you need to bite the bullet and tell him about it. |
MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVILS. В ДЕНЬГАХ КОРЕНЬ ВСЕХ ЗОЛ. Explanation : Money can be very good in good hands. But for some people money is the root of all evils. People always want to have much money and don't want to work. Some of them begin to play games, they lose money, and they loose everything. But certainly there are people who use money properly. Tasks. 1. Answer the questions. 1) Why is money the root of all evils? 2) What is evil for you? 3) You can spend money well, can't you? 4) Do you prefer no money and no problems? 5) Money is the root of all evils, isn't it? 2. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence. 1) get, nobody, money, can, without. 2) money, greedy, much, makes, people. 3) easily, ... Читать дальше » |
Compos mentis В здравом уме Еxplanation : In control of one's actions, mentally healthy My uncle is nearly 97, but he is perfectly compos mentis.
STATUS QUO Возврат к предыдущему положению Explanation : The present situation The Democrats favoured maintaining the status quo, while the Laborists hoped for change. |
Ad infinitum (эдинфи найтем) До бесконечности. Explanation : Without end, forever. The list of her wishes seems to go on ad infinitum. |
YOU CAN'T MAKE MERCURY OF EVERY LOG. ДУРАКА УЧИТЬ - ЧТО МЁРТВОГО ЛЕЧИТЬ. Explanation : You can become educated and learned if you have capabilities. But if you lack them, you are unlikely to become educated. All attempts to do it are useless. Tasks. 1. Answer the questions. 1) Do you agree with the statement? 2) Is it possible to educate anybody who is unteachable or not? 3) Why is it difficult to teach a person with little mental abilities? 4) You can make mercury of any log, can't you? 5) Who can teach a person with limited mental abilities? 2. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence. 1) a, even, hardly, tea ... Читать дальше » |
TO WIN HANDS DOWN. ПОБЕДИТЬ БЕЗ ТРУДА. Explanation: Win very easily Tim's opponent in the tennis match didn't play well, so John won hands down. |
SCOTLAND 1. The symbol of Scotland is... a) a rose b) a thistle c) a tulip 2. The patron Saint of Scotland is... a) St. Nicolas b) St. Patrick c) St. Andrew 3. The capital of Scotland is... a) Glasgow b) Cardiff c) Edinburgh 4. The heart of industry of Scotland is... a) Glasgow b) Edinburgh c) Aberdeen 5. The Castle of Edinburgh is... than the City. a) younger b) older c) bigger 6. The Edinburgh military tattoo takes place... a) every August and September b) every May and June c) every February and March 7. A line of streets, which run from the Castle of Holyrood House is called... a) a Royal Mile b) a King's mile c) a Queen's Mile 8. There is a monumen ... Читать дальше » |