
The group of b a h u v r i h i compound nouns is not very numerous. The term b a h u v r i h i is borrowed from the grammarians of ancient India. It' literal meaning is ' much- riced '. It is used to designate possessive exocentric formations in which a person, animal or thing are metonymically named after some striking feature they possess, chiefly a striking feature in their appearance. This feature is in its turn expressed by the sum of meanings of compound 's immediate constituents. The formula of the b a h u v r i h i compound nouns is adjective stem + noun stem.

The following extract will illustrate the way b a h u v r i h i compounds may be coined:

I got discouraged with sitting all day in the backroom of a police station... ... with six assorted women and a man with a wooden leg. At the end of a week, we all knew each other 's life histories, including that of the woodenle ... Читать дальше »

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