

1. The symbol of Scotland is... 

a) a rose 

b) a thistle

c) a tulip

2. The patron Saint of Scotland is... 

a) St. Nicolas

b) St. Patrick

c) St. Andrew

3. The capital of Scotland is... 

a) Glasgow 

b) Cardiff 

c) Edinburgh 

4. The heart of industry of Scotland is... 

a) Glasgow 

b) Edinburgh 

c) Aberdeen

5. The Castle of Edinburgh is... than the City. 

a) younger

b) older

c) bigger

6. The Edinburgh military tattoo takes place... 

a) every August and September 

b) every May and June

c) every February and March

7. A line of streets, which run from the Castle of Holyrood House is called...

a) a Royal Mile 

b) a King's mile 

c) a Queen's Mile 

8. There is a monumen ... Читать дальше »

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