09:13 Тест: Британская история | |
British history : test. 1. In the Battle of Hastings the English fought against... a) the Normans b) the Frenchmen c) the Scots 2. The occupants came to England... a) by the plane b) by ship c) by car 3. The occupants used... a) swords b) bows c) guns 4. Britain became the part of... a) Normandy b) Scotland c) Italy 5. William I became known in history as... a) the Conqueror b) the Confessor c) the Saint 6. The Battle of Hastings took place in... a) 1066 b) 1056 c) 1067 7. The last Anglo-Saxon King was... a) Edward b) Godwin c) Harold II 8. The main entrance of the Tower of London is called... a) Prisoners' Gate b) Traitors' Gate c) Wisper's Gate 9. The Tower was a Royal residence till... century. a) the 16th b) the 17th c) the 18th 10. The man in charge of Yeomen Warders or Beefeaters is called... a) a resident governor b) a resident president c) a resident minister
Keys : 1a, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6a,7с,8b, 9b, 10a.
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